McLardy McShane Launches Incubator Program to Nurture Young Talent in Insurance Broking

Our Incubator Program has commenced with great momentum

McLardy McShane's Incubator Program has taken off with great enthusiasm from the group's younger generation of brokers. This program is a result of Nick McLardy and Shane Brady's brainstorming and extensive planning, and it promises to deliver game-changing, real-world broking experience to the participants.

The program is structured to help address the gap between formal education and commercial realities. It aims to maximise the overall impact and productivity of the up and coming McLardy McShane crew, as well as become a key part of the group's value proposition to prospective employees and partners.

The Incubator Program is part of McLardy McShane's #focusonthefuture, and it is one of many projects that the group is investing in to ensure that its up and coming brokers are equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive.

The program will become a main feature of McMc's Talent Retention and Acquisition Plan, which will be announced in due course. The program's cumulative impact is expected to be a considerable advantage in attracting aspirational talent to join the group. 

The Incubator Program mascot has also been given a suitable name. Meet our chicken..... Nugget!

incubator program mclardy mcshane

What is the McMc Incubator Program?

McLardy McShane's Incubator Program is a project that aims to incubate and inspire the next generation of leaders within the McLardy McShane team. The program provides a structured educational pathway that's part of McLardy McShane's broader "Talent Retention and Acquisition Plan," as CEO Don McLardy terms it, which aims to attract and retain like-minded, driven individuals and use this as a key differentiator over some of our broking competitors. 

The Incubator Program is an annually run program that aims to facilitate knowledge and experience sharing between the group's top technical brokers and our younger talent.

Plans for year one   

The program kicked off earlier in March this year when Nick McLardy and Shane Brady hosted a crew of eight of McLardy McShane's gun brokers from across the network over two days for the first session of our 2023 Incubator Program. The session started with touring the facilities of two existing clients and getting a hands-on look at what they do and how it is done. The session was insightful even for seasoned insurance professionals. 

By delivering technical content in a way that is commercially relatable, the program aims to provide participants with the skills and knowledge they need to continue building McLardy McShane's momentum into the future.

The program has a few more sessions over the coming months before finishing it off in style with a fully funded trip to London and Ireland to learn all about the Lloyds insurance ecosystem and give the team exposure to the international marketplace.

Cumulative impact of the Incubator Program

One of the main strengths of McLardy McShane has always been its culture and people. The goodwill this generates in the insurance industry is crucial. The Incubator Program is an additional drawcard that helps entice other top talent who may be weighing up other employment opportunities and becomes a tangible benefit of being part of the group.

"The program provides a platform for the younger crew to maximise their overall impact and productivity within McLardy McShane," says CEO Don McLardy. "It's an excellent initiative that helps young talent get hands-on experience and real-world exposure to help develop their career and become a pivotal part of the Group."


If you'd like to know more about McLardy McShane's Incubator Program or are interested in joining the team, please get in touch.

McLardy McShane's Incubator Program in action


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