McLardy McShane Group Awards

We recently held our annual McLardy McShane Group Achievement Awards – unfortunately, the awards weren’t held at the conference in magnificant Byron Bay that we originally planned pre-Covid. But while the awards were held digitally, it doesn’t take away from how proud we are of our team and our culture, especially during these trying times.

And our Group’s performance continues to demonstrate how successful we can be when we work together and do the right thing by our clients. We managed to grow our premium income by 22% on the previous 12 months, and we’ve increased our geographic footprint and headcount – we now have over 20 McLardy McShane branches and joint ventures, and more than 40 Corporate Authorised Representatives.

We thought we’d take the time to highlight a few of our individual achievers and superstars with you.

10 Years of Service

Congratulations to Chelsea Hunter!

“Soon after joining, Chelsea’s bubbly and friendly personality was clear for everyone to see.

This quickly led to an additional role for her as ‘Head of McCulture’ – a job she continues to perform admirably.

This in no way, however, should overshadow her exceptional work ethic, care for others, and willingness to assist whenever asked.

She continues to be an incredibly valuable part of the McLardy McShane Group.” – Mike McShane

McCulture Award

Congratulations to Jamie Mercieca!

“Jamie puts up with Quinny and I; she should get it on that alone!

Her commitment to timeframes and meeting client expectations is excellent.

She is always ready and does help others out when called upon. She never says no when asked.

Often works well beyond hours without a quibble. Has assisted firsthand with new ARs and their transfer of portfolios into Winbeat.

Jamie is very conscious of the work environment and the vulnerability of others around her. A great example of McCulture!” – Kevin Tehan

Community Contribution Award

Nick McLardy

“It is incredible to consider that the recipient of this award is only in his mid-twenties, a fantastic bloke, who along with some mates came up with the idea to fundraise for mental health.

Nick and his mates started their own charity called ‘Walking About Talking’, to raise money for the Black Dog Institute. In 2017 he arranged a 50km walk from Palm Beach to Bondi – ‘in silence’.

The inaugural walk raised a staggering $125k and had around 80 walkers and a number of sponsors. The walk is now an annual event, to date raising $300,000.

As a business, to be able to recognise a young person who could see that mental illness touches people of all ages, no matter their background and do something about it, makes us very proud.” – Meg Long

Employees of the Year

Sharron Healy, Emma Cahill-Pixton and Rebecca O’Callaghan!

“We are delighted to announce that this year’s winners of the Employee of the Year are a triple treat!

There was an overwhelming response that this year’s recipients be our ‘Directors of First Impressions’ from our Richmond office – Sharron, Rebecca and Emma. During unprecedented times and whilst our entire Melbourne team were forced to work from home, these three ladies held the fort.

They came into the office each day, not concerned about their own safety, but more so, what they could do and how they could help everyone through this tough time. There have been many curve balls thrown their way since March and they have excelled each time with a big smile on their faces and never once complained. They are a true example of ‘We’ve got your back’.

We are extremely proud to have them as part of our team.” – Meg Long

AR Employee of the Year

Katherine Arena

“Katherine has won this award because of her exceptional dedication and empathy both towards Impact principal Lucy Calabro, principal, and their clients.

Despite experiencing some very difficult times over the past 12 months, Katherine has continuously been a pillar of strength, always had a smile on her face, and gone above and beyond.

Her work ethic and dedication has been outstanding. She constantly takes ownership of clients requests and goes out of her way, to ensure they are actioned, whilst professionally keeping them informed along the way.

“As the director of the company, it’s humbling to know my business and clients are in good hands. Hearing they are grateful to have someone like Katherine to talk to and how she understands their needs, makes me so proud and I honestly couldn’t have gone through this difficult year without her.”

– Lucy Calabro

McLardy McShane Insurance Brokers Branch of the Year

Swan Hill

“It was only July 2017 when Kyal Siebert was given the opportunity to become a joint venture partner with McLardy McShane and took over a branch in regional Victoria that had been managed by the same person for more than 30 years.

A potentially daunting situation for some, but not Kyal – since this date he has completely transformed the branch. The Swan Hill operation now boasts a 4-person broking team with Colleen Rundle-Gordon, Julie McMahon and Michelle Williams (and not forgetting recently retired branch stalwart Barb Cadd) making formidable team.

The branch has averaged over 35% growth for the last 3 years, exceeded budget each year and cemented long standing relationships with their many clients. What Kyal and the team have achieved over the past three years is a credit to their hard work ethic and dedication to looking after all their clients. They are very worthy winners of McLardy McShane Branch of the Year, well done guys!!! – Meg Long

“I have been very lucky to have the support of a great team locally, and can credit some of our success to the support of the wider group and in particular Kev & Vish – on behalf of all at Swan Hill, thanks everyone!” – Kyal Siebert

McLardy McShane Partners AR of the Year

All Australian Insurance Solutions

“A huge congratulations to Scott and Rashida Shepherd for winning this year’s AR of the Year with their business All Australian Insurance Solutions.

Since joining in January 2018 Scott has sold some of his book within the Group, grown his book again, bought his wife into the team and managed to grow his family. Never a dull moment!

During the past 12 months Scott’s business has grown over 35%, and they received a 100/100 pass rate in the Goldseal Audit.

Scott has referred people to our network, used the internal facilities available including TUA, and is always looking for ways to grow the business and be an advocate to the greater group.
A worthy winner of our AR of the Year, well done Scott and Rashida.” – Meg Long

“We would like to thank McLardy McShane for all your support over the last year, we are very pleased to have our hard work acknowledged in what has been an exceptional time & difficult market.” – Scott and Rashida

Join the team!

If you’ve gotten to the bottom of these awards and thought McLardy McShane looked like a great place to work, you’d be right! If you’d like to join the team as an employee, authorised representative or joint venture partner, why not contact us and let’s see if we can make it happen.


McLardy McShane 2021 Branch & JV Managers Meeting


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